Our professional rehabilitation and physiotherapy team provides professional assessments, treatments and rehabilitation trainings, as well as preventive and health promotion services for different clients’ needs.
Our services cover rehabilitation and physiotherapy services for orthopaedic and musculoskeletal conditions, pain and rheumatological conditions, cardiac and cardiovascular conditions, pulmonary conditions, geriatric conditions, paediatric conditions, neurological conditions, endocrinologial and metabolic conditions, and preoperative conditions. We also provide oncology physiotherapy, weight management, community rehabilitation services, work rehabilitation, assistive rehabilitation devices and aids prescription services, and domiciliary services for home-based rehabilitation needs.
We also provide professional physical health check-up and assessments, movement analysis and advice, ergonomic advice, as well as women's health services for various health conditions and needs.
Physiotherapists help people with injuries, diseases and disabilities to achieve a better quality of life by restoring function and movements. Our physiotherapists will formulate an all-round physiotherapy and rehabilitation programs compiling of various professional assessments and treatments. The physiotherapy treatments that we may provide include but not limited to electrotherapy, shockwave, ultrasound, thermal therapy, cryotherapy, exercise therapy and trainings, acupuncture and dry-needling, manual therapy, education and promoting healthy lifestyle.
Senior Physiotherapist
BPhysio (MDU, India)
MSc Rehabilitation Science (PolyU)
Diploma in Clinical Acupuncture (HKU Space)
Registered Physiotherapist (Hong Kong, UK, India)
Reistered Physiotherapist (HK, UK)
Accredited Acupuncture Practitioner (HKPA)
Personal Fitness Trainer (AASFP, iCREPS)